
London-based American author and urbanist Adam Greenfield has spent the past quarter-century thinking and working at the intersection of technology, design and politics with everyday life. His books include the bestselling Against the Smart City and Radical Technologies. In this this Tidings interview, he describes his vision of Lifehouses, informed by his experiences with Superstorm Sandy […]

Drianne Benner and Anne Murray, members of North Fork Civics of Southold,  take us through a the history of their hamlet’s civic organizations and the factors leading to the formation of the North Fork Civics coalition and how this larger group of seven individual civic organizations functions and regulates itself. (Broadcast on WPKN May 3, […]

Mary Foster Morgan, co-founder of Drawdown East End, and co-columnist for East End Beacon’s Climate Local Now, talks about the amount of food wasted by America’s families when they could be turning their leftovers into compost. Listen as Mary takes us deeper into this story.  (WPKN April 5, 2023)

Co-founder and former paramedic Steve Muth, talks about NYC Medics , a small, nimble volunteer emergency medical team of paramedics and doctors based in New York City who are ready to be boots on the ground in global disaster areas within 48 hours. (WPKN March 8, 2023)

Aimee Weldon, coordinator with the Atlantic Coast Joint Venture of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service works with a team to conserve and restore saltmarsh habitat for the Saltmarsh Sparrow whose steadily declining population has been described as the canaries in the coal mines for saltmarsh ecosystems. Weldon explains how she and her colleagues, along […]

About Hazel

Born to German Jewish refugee physicians in Lahore (now Pakistan, then British India) Hazel has lived, studied and worked in many places–India, England, Australia, Israel and the United States. She makes her home in the woods of the eastern end of Long Island, New York where she produces the art of leafages, the radio sounds of Tidings and writes about growing up Jewish in Lahore. Read more about Hazel…

About Leafages

"Credo" statement

Leafages by Hazel Kahan are made from real leaves, vines and tendrils interwoven with calligraphy, decorative pen and ink flourishes and imaginary Latin botanical names. Leafages contain a philosophical or inspirational thought, quotation or verse from sages, poets or religious texts. Some leafages are specially created for an individual, a couple or a family with words or leaves reflecting their personal narrative. They are available on the Leafages shop on Etsy although the supply is low right now, all my energies having been absorbed by the book I’ve been writing. Do come back soon when the shop will be full of new leafage abundance or contact me.