
Dr. Ramzy Baroud talks about growing up in an UNRWA-managed refugee camp in Gaza, the significance of the Trump administration’s recent retraction of UNRWA funding to the Palestinians and why this amounts to an existential threat to Palestinians’ Right of Return.  (Broadcast on WPKN radio October 10, 2018 and produced by Tony Ernst.) You may […]

Our conversation (scroll for audio) began with Ramzy Baroud talking about his article documenting the plight of seriously ill Palestinian women who are refused medical treatment by Israel because of their family’s Hamas connections.  Our conversation ended with Ramzy explaining his view of duality: with Ahed Tamimi as example, the reality and essence of one Ahed, […]

  Tim Johnston, co-author of His Own Man: the biography of Otto Peltzer, Champion athlete, Nazi victim and Indian heroA remarkable story about a gay Olympics athlete living through Germany’s Weimar and Third Reich eras. An exceptional man living in extraordinary times.  (First broadcast on WPKN December 14, 2016.  Produced by Tony Ernst)  

What a wonderful first novel Christina Nichol has written! Waiting for the Electricity, first published in 2014 by Overlook Press and now available in  paperback, is set in post-Soviet Georgia.  It’s a most unusual story about a strange, fascinating country. If, like me, you knew (almost) nothing about the Republic of Georgia, you’ll know a lot […]

Adam Aloni, Jewish Israeli researcher with B’Tselem, speaks from Jerusalem about the  recently released report: Made in Israel: Exploiting Palestinian Land for Treatment of Israeli Waste, the Occupation and the socio-historical context within which this exploitation has developed. (Broadcast on WPKN radio on March 14, 2018; produced by Tony Ernst)

Note: this interview was recorded and first broadcast in May, 2015.  Since then, the settler-colonization witnessed by Danika Padilla has intensified so that today the 51-year old occupation has encroached deeper and wider with more human rights abolished, more Palestinian children abused, detained and killed, more olive trees uprooted, more Palestinian homes demolished and ever […]

I’ve updated my earlier critical observations (Tidings, Sept. 2008) about the practice of tipping in America, gratified to see that, even if it took ten years, at least one leading New York restaurant mogul–Danny Meyer–has done away with tipping throughout his 13 hospitality establishments.  Although his reasoning was shaped mostly by economic considerations, be warned that psychological affronts […]

Danny Gregory is this month’s guest on Tidings.  He is also my son. Danny started his love affair with books when he was six years old which he credits for the creative life he has led ever since. He is a prolific artist and blogger with a creative presence in many digital spaces, including one that […]

Begging: a profession? a misfortune? a job? a scourge? a spiritual practice? an industry? a stain on society? freedom of choice? Lively commentary along with interviews with American tourists to India and Indian bloggers and writers.  Also illustrated blog post here. First broadcast on WPKN on December 10, 2013 and produced by Tony Ernst.  

  Based in Fairfield, Connecticut, Inni Kaur is the CEO of SikhRI, a global, virtual organization dedicated to promoting the teachings of the Sikh faith.  She tells us about her international childhood,the contradictions she had to untangle in the search for her faith and what it means to lead the life of a Sikh.  (Broadcast on […]

About Hazel

Born to German Jewish refugee physicians in Lahore (now Pakistan, then British India) Hazel has lived, studied and worked in many places–India, England, Australia, Israel and the United States. She makes her home in the woods of the eastern end of Long Island, New York where she produces the art of leafages, the radio sounds of Tidings and writes about growing up Jewish in Lahore. Read more about Hazel…

About Leafages

"Credo" statement

Leafages by Hazel Kahan are made from real leaves, vines and tendrils interwoven with calligraphy, decorative pen and ink flourishes and imaginary Latin botanical names. Leafages contain a philosophical or inspirational thought, quotation or verse from sages, poets or religious texts. Some leafages are specially created for an individual, a couple or a family with words or leaves reflecting their personal narrative. They are available on the Leafages shop on Etsy although the supply is low right now, all my energies having been absorbed by the book I’ve been writing. Do come back soon when the shop will be full of new leafage abundance or contact me.